2014 Spring Term

For this term I'm teaching four classes as a part-time adjunct for a total of 20 credits. A bit of a load, but I'm pretty confident about it.

College Algebra - I taught two sections of this course last term, and I found it pretty unique. It uses a flipped classroom model with Handouts to be completed in-class and at home, quizzes in Moodle (our LMS), group tests, and traditional individual tests.

Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry - First time teaching this course at this school, a long time since I've taught it. I'm using completion based in-class activities, daily quizzes, and tests for assessments.

Calculus I - I've taught this course before and already have homework assignments in Moodle. I have daily quizzes to make sure students keep up with the course, and am introducing thee in-class activities from POGIL, a resource recommended by a colleague.

Calculus III - This is the first time teaching this course, and the highest level mathematics course I have taught. The curriculum is changing to align to a course at our state school intended for engineering students. Half the course is the traditional series and sequences material, and the other half is an introduction to Linear Algebra, as opposed to advanced integration techniques. The class meets three times a week, the first two class meetings being lecture, and the third day being a review of the material, a quiz, and an in-class activity. I am very excited about this course and will share a few of my in-class activities here for feedback.

My schedule this term is a bit rough, consisting of either 8 am or 11 am morning classes, or 6 pm night classes. After this term I will only take one night class, as two are kind of rough on the home life.


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