"Making Teamwork Work" ideas to adapt

 In Inside Higher Ed, Steve Reifenberg discusses teamwork in Making Teamwork Work, and what faculty can do to improve how students work in teams. As a POGIL practitioner the People, Process, and Feedback elements are well worn paths to me, but there was a new route was offered. This quote really stuck out to me, emphasis mine;

In fact, a lot of evidence suggests that diverse teams can be more creative and perform better than homogeneous ones. But that diversity works only if the team members get to know one another and learn something about their teammates’ different vantage points and experiences and the benefits that they can bring to the project.

 I realize I haven't done a lot of that in recent memory, although my initial activities do have some personal questions. Maybe I should look at those first few activities to be intentional about students getting to know each other during that first week. 


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